Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shatter Me

Title: Shatter Me
Author: Tahereh Mafi
Year: 2011
Series?: Shatter Me #1
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction/Dystopia
Format: Hardcover (Library checkout)

What's it about?: Juliette cannot touch anyone, literally. Any touch to her body can kill a person if in contact long enough, and her parents went to extreme measures to make sure no one would. Locked up in an insane asylum for 264 days, Juliette has had no contact with another human being. That is, until she is given a new roommate, Adam. Juliette remembers Adam who she last saw three years ago, but he doesn't remember her. Why is he in her cell now? Has The Reestablishment changed their minds on what to do with Juliette?

My opinion: I read a review from another reviewer who said everything about Shatter Me is perfect except the cover; and I wholeheartedly agree. The cover for this fantastic read has absolutely nothing to do with the book and I'm really glad I read the book despite the misleading/ugly cover. Juliette's point of view was written incredibly well, the crossed out lines conveyed to the reader how unstable Juliette felt in her own mind at most times. The mystery of Juliette's world was cleverly done due to the author's writing style, the reader only knowing what Juliette knows and therefore we can only see how bizarre things have become through her eyes. The chemistry and love story between Adam and Juliette is what kept this book going for me, there's is a sweet tale that needed to be heard, and I can foresee it only becoming even better in future books. Warner is by far one of the most interesting villains I've ever read in a dystopian novel, I cannot wait to read the second book and see if Mafi peeled back the layers on his character for the reader. Shatter Me is a highly enjoyable novel that reminded me a little of X-Men meets Divergent and I highly recommend it.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars!

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