Friday, August 30, 2013


Title: Good
Author: S. Walden
Format: E-Book Kindle
Year: 2013
Series?: Too Good Book 1
Genre: New Adult, Romance, Chick-Lit

Plot Summary: Cadence is a good girl. Really she is. Except for that one time when she did something horrible. As a result, she spent ten months in juvie and is now the social outcast of her entire school. Constantly bullied at school and a major disappointment to her family, Cadence turns to the one person who is nice to her, her Calculus teacher Mr. Connelly. At first the two are friends, but as time goes by Cadence develops a crush on him and hopes that there may be more.

Opinion: This was a book about second chances and how sometimes being good just isn't good enough. Cadence made a mistake when she took drugs at a party and a year later she is still paying for it. I understood Cadences' plight, if I had pulled something like what she did in high school I feel that my parents would have treated me the same way. I also understand her angst when she tells her parents the truth about being bullied and they don't believe her; people often see only what they want and not what's right in front of them. This book focuses on the flaws in its characters and promotes the idea that our flaws are not something to be ashamed of. Mr. Connelly, or Mark, was a bit mysterious, he has issues from his past that Cadence is aware of but he never elaborates on; hopefully his secrets will be revealed in the future. Mark's feelings weren't really portrayed very well at the beginning of his relationship with Cadence, it felt like instalove to me a little at first.

I really liked being in Cadence's head, her sarcastic replies to those around her were pretty funny. Her random word bursts were funny as well, I normally don't enjoy secondhand embarrassment, but it added to her personality. I also loved how patient Mark was with Cadence, although I didn't really view it as realistic (just personal opinion). I really liked this book, it was filled with angst and wit but not overly so. I cannot wait until the next book.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars. If this story doesn't interest you I recommend S. Walden's other book Going Under.

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